AQ: How were you discovered? What was your first photo-shoot like MzDemo: Model Mayhem... I decided to take the reins on my own without an agent or agency. It was fun; I try to keep an open mind. Plus I kept the die of "fake it until you make it" so they didn't know I was "new". AQ: Who is or was your idol in modeling? MzDemo: None, I don't have idols. I admire people but they really aren't my goto, as an artist- other artist and their artwork became my muse. AQ: What do you think your best feature is currently? MzDemo: My brain. I can assess a situation and figure out what isn't working and what we can do to make it better. Eyes, lips, butt etc. are great but in the art & entertainment world if you can't think on your feet you are useless. AQ: Is there something you aspire to do professionally that you have not done yet? MzDemo: Do commercial work modeling, acting or voice acting. I have tried and been "unfit" do to jobs based on image and what I mean by image is skin color. It is interesting how long we have lived, how far we have progressed and yet that issue still haunts many no matter the race. AQ: What is your pet peeve regarding a photo-shoot? MzDemo: Talking down to me, hitting on me, asking me if I've done porn, will i do porn, telling me I should do (porn, be an escort, stripper, etc...). AQ: Have you ever been bullied as a model? MzDemo: By artists on Model Mayhem. It is funny how the word "no" illicit such anger and response that make you wonder did they really need a model or did they want something else. The example I use is when told "No, you cannot come over to my house to shoot nudes for your artwork however we can find a place that works for the both of us provided I get to sit down and meet with you first or talk on the phone to get to know you". The response I got was, " WHAT! How do you expect to be a model if you don't take risk, it's not like I wanted to sleep with you or anything, you're never going to get work again!" then he continued to harass me through my inbox and telling photographers not to work with me because I'm a raging "C". AQ: What is the best and worst experience you have had modeling? MzDemo: The best would be finding 2 photographers that understand me artistically and creating friendships with them where no one is threatened and everyone wants to offer to help. One of them lives in California and the Other in Colorado (Aquiline Photography). The worst... well remember the pet peeve part? I had a modeling gig that was a nude shoot, it was blazing hot, I was sweaty, tired, hot, parched and mostly ready to go home because I had other projects to work on and at the end of the shoot the photographer takes a few steps away from me and says, " Now don't take this the wrong way, but if you need money, have you ever thought about escorting or stripping? I feel you'd be really good at it!" he said enthusiastically with a tinge of fear. My response "No, never crossed my mind, not the type of thing i'm into thanks for the consideration" said with anger, annoyance, and disgust. What is missing from this story is also in the middle of the shoot he informed me that he and his wife hadn't slept together in 17 years. This person also didn't give his models modeling credit unless prodded by other photographers... it is probably clear to most on why. AQ: Is there anything you would change about modeling at your level? MzDemo: If we could just get rid of the creepers, the trafficking, and the bullies i think we all would be happy. AQ: Please share something people don't know about you. AQ: What would you change about yourself if you could? MzDemo: I'm too trusting. AQ What is your favorite image or images you have modeled in to this date? MzDemo: I think my faux Hawaiian shoot with AQ was one of my favorites, but I honestly like all the work that comes out between AQ and my photographer in Cali, which let's be honest, can be quite rare. AQ: What is your next upcoming project if you have one? MzDemo: Currently I'm on the other side of things and building my hair and makeup portfolio while sculpting. So I'm on the hunt for models myself! AQ: What inspired you to do nudes, if you've done so? MzDemo: Creating shapes and illusions through the naked canvas of the body. Light and shadow are your only source of cover, it's thrilling. Yet, in the same case it can also be very vulnerably challenging, you are left with your emotions as your only motivation but in a much more unprotected type of way and your only comfort in that moment is the lens, it will capture the truth you long for the world to see. It shatters all pretenses and leaves you defenseless but not lost. At the end of the day you are left with something raw yet emotionally compelling and beautiful. AQ: When you lose or gain weight, or your image changes in general what is your take on modeling? MzDemo: Model for the moment. Perfect your image for that time and when it changes you practice and perfect this new one. Each shoot is different and with every layout, thought has been given to make it a success. So why not do the same with your image because if you don't you become "type casted" and stagnant in your work. A body is a moving work of art, every changing and ever progressing. AQ: Thanks so much and we anticipate more dazzling and attractive work from you soon! AQ: For the audience be sure to look up MzDemo's sculptures, drawings, and other artwork at